Greetings  Fr. Jack and Anna Marie

I thought that I would send a picture of us at the England conference to help you remember who I am and who you had helped.

I just wanted to share some news that I received tonight with you. I don’t think you would remember Jack but you sat with mom (Sheila) and I Thursday at lunch time after you did your talk at the conference. I had shared my experience about my whole body tingling  and especially from my hands and my face was twitching during your talk/sharing and you had told me that I had been anointed by the Holy Spirit and everything that you had said is exactly what Sharon had prophesied over me the night before.

Anyway the real reason that I am writing this is because I shared a dream that I had had the previous morning with you. It was in regards to my cousin (whom I hadn’t seen in years). The dream was “I was walking with mom and we were at the conference and she said to me there’s James. I said James who? She said Malley – so I went looking for him. I looked out the glass door and never saw him out that one but then felt a intense presense in my soul (for lack of better words) and I was elevated about a foot and floated to the other window. When I looked thru the window I saw James being held in the arms of a man – like he was being carried. I was saying to him James what are you doing here. When a vehicle went thru him. He told me that he was alright. And I woke up.You advised me at this time what to do was to immediately pray for protection for him and his family and you did prayers right then and there.

Now for the rest:

My mom had gone out of town to a friends funeral and came home tonight and while away had a visit with James’ mother and apparently James and his young son were play wrestling and the boy punched James in the head. I believe she said it knocked him out and he went into convulsions. He spent 7 days in the hospital. They sent him home. He wasn’t doing well and ended back in the hospital because of convulsions so they put him on medication and sent him home. He ended up loosing 30 lbs and was very sick – ended up back in the hospital and they found out that he had a blood clot in his brain approx. 4X6” and they did emergency surgery. They LOST him and had to resuscitate him and were doing chest compressions when he woke (I believe that is what she said). So I just wanted to Thank you for your prayers and guidance during this time, and I also praise God and give him THANKS for protecting him and his family – as James is a single father of 3 boys.

May God Bless you immensly in his/your ministry.

Yours in Christ.

Shelley Andres, Flin Flon,Manitoba Canada